Book – Evanescence

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Through a window darkly.
Things that aren’t quite what they seem to be.
Something ancient restrained deep in the bowels of an ancient Abbey.
In 1746, Don Augustine Calmet, a respected erudite and renowned Benedictine Monk, learned in, and a prolific publisher of works on Philosophy and Theology, visited by the Enlightenment Philosopher Voltaire, published a Tome on Demons, Spirits and Revenants or Vampires in Hungary, which was expanded and reprinted in 1751.
How did this stalwart figure of the Church and prolific Theological writer develop an interest in Eastern European Folklore and Tales of Vampires and the macabre?
It starts in a crypt in Abbaye de Saint-Evre de Toul, in NE France and something Ancient long held from the light, bound by a corrupt Order and a Scholar searching for answers to a hidden riddle.

Release date

Evanescence is being released on LULU / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks on 16/5/2017!


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